Loan Rates

Vehicle Rates (Autos, Boats & RV’s)

Platinum Rates - 2019 or Newer APR* (as low as)
36 months 5.74%
48 to 60 months 5.99%
72 months (limited to 2021 & newer) 6.24%
84 months (limited to 2021 & newer) 7.49%
2018 - 2016 models add 1.50%
2015 & older models add 3.00%

Variable Rate Mortgages

Adjustable Rate Mortgage Term APR* (as low as)
1st Mortgage (to 87.50% LTV) 3 year ARM 6.25%
1st Mortgage (to 87.50% LTV) 5 year ARM 6.375%
1st Mortgage (to 87.50% LTV) 7 year ARM 6.50%

Home Equity Options

Home Equity Loan 2nd Mortgage APR* (as low as)
5 year balloon (Up to 80.00% LTV) 6.75%
Home Equity Line of Credit APR** (as low as)
Variable rate - (Changes quarterly to Prime Rate)
Up to 80.00% LTV, Rate based on credit score
Currently 8.50%
Max rate 17.50%

Other Loan Types

Type Term APR* (as low as)
Share Secured 36 Months 4.00%
Unsecured Loans Up to 60 Months 11.45%
Certificate Secured Single payment note due at certificate maturity 2.00% over certificate rate
Kwik - Cash Line of Credit N/A Variable currently at 13.90%